Fighting depression during the pandemic.

Most people in India still shy away from the topic of mental health. It seems like the concept of mental well being is not something they understand or empathize with. Why ? Why can’t they see mental illnesses to be something similar to any other ailment that can effect your body ? With a ragingContinueContinue reading “Fighting depression during the pandemic.”

Corona update – 2

I was contacted by the authorities via phone. BBMP workers has attached a poster outside my house warning others about the presence of corona patients and the details of people who need to be in quarantine. Also a round of fumigation was done outside the building. Reality of the situation in Bangalore. There is aContinueContinue reading “Corona update – 2”

6 virtues of an ideal wife

With the lockdown having put most of the main / new TV shows on hold, all the old series came back to entertain us.With this came the series on the miracles executed perfectly by the thousands of deities in the Indian mythology. Obviously none of these gods came to the rescue before taunting and troublingContinueContinue reading “6 virtues of an ideal wife”

India Govt. bans Chinese Apps

About an hour ago the India Govt. among mounting tension between India and China , decided to ban Chinese apps. This also includes the ever so famous TikTok . For the complete list of apps that have been banned, click here. Now obviously this shouldn’t have a been a huge shock to anyone, didn’t weContinueContinue reading “India Govt. bans Chinese Apps”