Fighting depression during the pandemic.

Most people in India still shy away from the topic of mental health. It seems like the concept of mental well being is not something they understand or empathize with. Why ? Why can’t they see mental illnesses to be something similar to any other ailment that can effect your body ? With a ragingContinueContinue reading “Fighting depression during the pandemic.”

Surviving Covid 19.

My previous post(s) was blunt enough to suggest that I tested positive for covid. With hell lot of things happening I obviously haven’t been posting for a long time. A really really long time. Well here is my experience with the monstrosity called covid. Covid in itself is nothing more than a common flu. TheContinueContinue reading “Surviving Covid 19.”

Corona update – 2

I was contacted by the authorities via phone. BBMP workers has attached a poster outside my house warning others about the presence of corona patients and the details of people who need to be in quarantine. Also a round of fumigation was done outside the building. Reality of the situation in Bangalore. There is aContinueContinue reading “Corona update – 2”

Corona updates – Day 1

24 hours since I tested positive for corona virus and got informed by the authorities. This is the story so far.The govt. officials have contacted me over call several times since yesterday. A number I would call as a healthy number ( 4 times) . Yes, there has been no house calls so far andContinueContinue reading “Corona updates – Day 1”

What to do when you think you may have COVID-19?

I know all of you may have already read several stories about how people feel after recovering from the corona virus. Having tested positive for the same this Tuesday, I felt it may be necessary to tell my experience to the very few readers that I have. The beginning…. A few days back , toContinueContinue reading “What to do when you think you may have COVID-19?”

Lockdown stories

When my manager sent us a mail yesterday asking for our lockdown stories, the first thing I did as any other employee was to ignore this request. “I don’t have the time to think of something interesting to share” . But, when he requested or rather demanded for the same during our daily meeting IContinueContinue reading “Lockdown stories”