Corona update – 2

I was contacted by the authorities via phone. BBMP workers has attached a poster outside my house warning others about the presence of corona patients and the details of people who need to be in quarantine. Also a round of fumigation was done outside the building. Reality of the situation in Bangalore. There is aContinueContinue reading “Corona update – 2”

Corona updates – Day 1

24 hours since I tested positive for corona virus and got informed by the authorities. This is the story so far.The govt. officials have contacted me over call several times since yesterday. A number I would call as a healthy number ( 4 times) . Yes, there has been no house calls so far andContinueContinue reading “Corona updates – Day 1”

What to do when you think you may have COVID-19?

I know all of you may have already read several stories about how people feel after recovering from the corona virus. Having tested positive for the same this Tuesday, I felt it may be necessary to tell my experience to the very few readers that I have. The beginning…. A few days back , toContinueContinue reading “What to do when you think you may have COVID-19?”

Lockdown stories

When my manager sent us a mail yesterday asking for our lockdown stories, the first thing I did as any other employee was to ignore this request. “I don’t have the time to think of something interesting to share” . But, when he requested or rather demanded for the same during our daily meeting IContinueContinue reading “Lockdown stories”