
My favourite human beings

Honestly speaking, I am not really a social being. It’s absolutely surprising, right 😜 To start with, I have a very limited set of friends and fewer who can be categorised as my absolute favourites. These special people are absolutely amazing in my view. Although I won’t name them, I will definitely write why they…

Was Haruno Sakura really the most useless character in Naruto ?

Sakura – probably the most judged character in Naruto. Among the members of the famed team 7 led by Kakashi , Sakura seems like the least talented. No major battle skills, not a jinchuriki , and doesn’t have the sharingan either. Compare her to the rest of them , she does seem a little mediocre.…

Human Rights or against traditions ?

A while ago I happened to watch a movie ” The Great Indian Kitchen” . Being a non movie lover I usually need to see both good reviews and receive suggestions from multiple people before I even bother myself to watch a movie. One such movie was The Great Indian Kitchen. Soon after release it…

New year celebrations.

Its that time of the year again, where the entire world goes bonkers. Holiday season, celebrations, vacations, and bling everywhere. While it is nice to be positive about things and seek positivity. The ” New Years ” concept seems to be on the edge of being the negativity in ones life. Scientifically speaking the tiny…

The concept of Ikigai

Of late I have been seeing the word IKIGAI everywhere. In fact I even have a book with the same title. Although I have only read half of the book (plan on finishing it sometime in the near future, hopefully). Being a person who would read a nice word, lookup the meaning and plan to…

The Art Of Letting Go

We hear this all the time from people around us “Just Let It Go” . Sounds so simple right? Let go . You had a breakup and you are crying over it ?You flunked an exam ?You had a fight with someone near and dear to you ?You lost your dearest pet ? Hell!!! you…

Relationships and toxicity.

Toxic Relationships – Period!!!All of us have been there at some point of time.At times we may have been the toxicity in someone’s life. But we have all or at least most of us have had this experience. Those of you who have not seen toxicity — cheers to your life. Be happy. Imagine a…

Maintaining your sanity during the Pandemic.

With a raging pandemic that doesn’t seems like it may not come to an end any time soon. Restrictions on everything!!Travel Ban!!!!Offices shut!! To top it all a fear for ones safety and wellbeing . If there is a hell somewhere it is here, it is here , it is here!! This is the general…


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