Surviving Covid 19.

My previous post(s) was blunt enough to suggest that I tested positive for covid. With hell lot of things happening I obviously haven’t been posting for a long time. A really really long time.

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Well here is my experience with the monstrosity called covid.

Covid in itself is nothing more than a common flu. The symptoms look like flu, you feel sick for some time and usually feel fatigue or tiredness. The only fancy symptom of covid is the loss of taste and smell that most people experience.

To be honest if you do not have any co-morbidity you don’t have much to fear.

My uncle once told me the worst punishment for anyone is to take away his freedom.
Covid does just that.
It takes away ones freedom to roam around freely. Freedom to spend time with your loved ones and sentences you to a jail term within your house for a crime that was not even committed intentionally.

This is where covid succeeds in breaking you down.

Do not give up.
Your MENTAL strength is what can help you fight. Medicines are surely needed but nothing helps when you do not have the will to fight this battle.

showtime ok GIF by Desus & Mero

Things to do.

  1. Do everything that you love that can be done within the confines of a room.
  2. Watch happy things, funny stuff that can make you laugh.
    I personally preferred Donald Trump’s speeches. They are hilarious and can give one a great laugh.
    PS : don’t listen to his covid briefings and his covid response strategies.
Donald Trump Cognitive Test GIF by GIPHY News
  1. Clean all the surfaces you have touched with a good disinfectant.
  2. Do some Yoga to help your lungs be strong. All you need is a few breathing exercises. You don’t need to exert yourself.
  3. Take the time to stay connected with your friends and family via video calls or phone calls. This will keep you happy and feeling connected , also will be a great relief to the people who care for you, knowing you are ok.

These are things to do apart from taking medicines regularly and having food on time. Don’t forget to inhale steam and gargle with warm water either.

Always remember this is a battle you need to fight for yourself and your loved ones.
Do it right.

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