Corona update – 2

I was contacted by the authorities via phone. BBMP workers has attached a poster outside my house warning others about the presence of corona patients and the details of people who need to be in quarantine. Also a round of fumigation was done outside the building.

Reality of the situation in Bangalore.

There is a massive outbreak and now there is a shortage of all resources. To get a hospital bed patients will have to wait for several hours minimum , when you are seriously ill.

Here are a few helpline numbers that I was asked to call in case of emergencies.

1912 – most of you may be familier with this number that is the BESCOM complaints line. This is the number to call in case you feel your condition is deteriorating in home quarantine.They will help you find a bed in any hospital in bangalore. Please know that the average wait time to get a room right now is somewhere between few hours to days.

Please be patient and do not call unless you feel your condition is actually deteriorating.

14410 – apthamitra helpline . Call them and update your status daily. If you need a doctor to call you back inform them the same. Diligently follow everything they ask you to do.

108 – suppose you do get really sick and need immediate medical attention . Also you have already found a bed in some hospital. Call this number for an ambulance and only travel in this vehicle alone.

For general care…

Drink at least half a liter of warm water at least every 3hrs.

Eat healthy food and lots of fruits. Make sure your meals are warm and rich in protein.

Consume suppliments for vitamin c.

Wash hands religiously and keep yourself and your surroundings clean.

Thank you for reading

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