Corona updates – Day 1

24 hours since I tested positive for corona virus and got informed by the authorities. This is the story so far.
The govt. officials have contacted me over call several times since yesterday. A number I would call as a healthy number ( 4 times) .

Yes, there has been no house calls so far and no fumigation or any other sort of precautions.

But , the reason for that could be my mild symptoms. I don’t have a fever since 3days, as of today. Just a bit of throat pain and blocked nostrils.
My oxygen saturation levels also seem to be fine.

With number of cases increasing we need to be prepared for such delays due to the excessive stress that our medical / health department is currently under.

Do not be paranoid or stress about this.

They will get to you for sure. Always remember there may be someone who is in a much worse condition and may need immediate assistance.

What to do if you do not get a home visit…?

  1. Golden rule is —- isolation. Choose a room that has an attached bathroom and keep a kettle for warm water. A set of plate, bowl and spoons also a glass for water.
  2. Equip the room with all essentials , this includes – Cutlery, soap for washing the same. A few citrus fruits and a few herbs that can help you make a herb infused black tea. An electric kettle and tissue papers. Gloves, mask, essential fever medicines, sanitisers, a very important chemical “sodium hypochlorite” and garbage bags.
  3. Always wear mask and make sure you change them every 8 hrs. Before disposing please wash the mask using sodium hypochlorite and dump in a garbage bag and keep it closed.
  4. Clean all the surface in your room after wearing a gloves to avoid further contamination.
  5. Drink lots of water and open the door to your room only to get food.
  6. While asking for food, make sure you wash your own plate and just leave it outside your room door. Get back in. The person serving you the food also needs to maintain hygiene by not touching the plates and by wearing mask.
  7. Only open the door to your room when absolutely necessary.
  8. Monitor the situation of your family members and arrange for the tests to be done on them as soon as possible if the authorities do not respond as soon as you expected.
  9. In case you feel your situation is not improving contact the doctors via Apthamitra app. They will surely prescribe a few over the counter medicine that you can obtain through a little help or they could suggest an alternative based on the medicine you have available.
  10. If you live in an apartment, INFORM ALL RESIDENTS .Possibly through whatsapp and check to see if anyone else shows any symptoms.

Keep reading for further updates. Thank you.

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