6 virtues of an ideal wife

With the lockdown having put most of the main / new TV shows on hold, all the old series came back to entertain us.
With this came the series on the miracles executed perfectly by the thousands of deities in the Indian mythology.

Obviously none of these gods came to the rescue before taunting and troubling the staunch believers and testing their strength.

While watching one of these series I happened to hear a reference to one of the shlokas, that tells us what the virtues of an ideal wife is. Obviously I googled it and here is what I found.

“Karyeshu Dasi , Karmeshu Manthri, Bhojeshu Mata , Shayaneshu Ramba , Roopeshu Lakshmi, Kshamayeshu Dharitri, Shat dharmayukta Kuladharma Pathni “

What it translates to is this :

She should work like a dasi AKA Slave.
Advice like a good minister would to the king.
She should cook yummy delicacies like your mom would.
She has to be amazing in bed.
Look like the goddess Lakshmi and have the ability to forgive like mother earth .

Do you see the misogynistic nature of this ?

You want someone who works their ass of like a slave !!! doesn’t it remind us of all of our mothers who toiled all their life keeping the house clean and cooking food for us while we take out our frustrations on her ?
Dude she is your wife, treat her like an equal not a slave, and in case you don’t know – Slavery was abolished.

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Karmeshu Manthri— I would say this point is a positive in this shloka. It says that you need to heed your wife’s advice once in a while at least, it can’t be wrong all the time.And sometimes it is better to have an extra brain working to solve a problem.

Bhojeshu Mata – Sure she can cook for you and the entire family. But when are you going to be someone who is not completely dependent on the woman in your life to give you food. I am not against the concept of a wife cooking a yummy meal for the family. All I am saying is – You could be self sufficient . It opens up a whole new world of opportunity to develop into a better person.

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Shayaneshu Ramba – Obviously my favourite . How the hell am i supposed to know how good this celestial beauty was in bed ??? I did not see any video out there on those so many adult website that can guide me or anyone else with this. Curse you Ramba!!! For setting up expectations and not leaving any guide for the rest of us humans.

Roopeshu Lakshmi — Like the previous requirement of being as good as Ramba in sex was not bad enough for the human folks , they want the woman to look as graceful and beautiful like the Celestial beauty Lakshmi !!!!
What about all those average looking girls out there ? Are they not good wife just because they don’t look like a celestial beauty?

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Kshamayeshu Dharitri — Exactly the virtue that all those woman out there who are victims of domestic abuse think they have.
This is like the trump card for men and their horrible behaviour to be justified.
So all it means is you can do all sorts of shit that you want to and all your wife has to do is forgive you for your ” mistakes ” .

Wake up women!!! These are so not the things that you would want to be in life.

This surely is not the definition of ideal wife.

2 thoughts on “6 virtues of an ideal wife

  1. Something so misogynistic written in our history.. Yet when I look at hindi mythology women I see such strong women standing shoulder to shoulder with their men.. In their own way sita, draupadi, gandhari, kaikeyi.. Look past their vulnerability, feminity, devotion every aspect of being human.. They are such badass women.. So yeah I’m sure these are just manipulated shlokas which men used to bring the women down!!!


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